Where do we begin with sustainability?
How can we start being more sustainable?
In little incremental steps.
It can be difficult to know where to start when you make the decision to make buying practices more ethical. Whether it’s business led or buyer led. But even as individuals it’s a lot easier than you might think to make choices that ensure sustainable apparel. And I’m here to tell you how!
First, build your framework.
I would advise choosing 4 of the UN’s sustainable development goals as your pillars. There are 17 of them, and while some can be interlinked quite easily, some are tricker. The link to the goals is at the bottom of this post.
Choose 4 that resonate most with you and your team. It can be really easy to choose the most popular, or what you think will be the easiest to apply. But this is the surest way to fail. The goals are very broad so it’s easy to apply even in the smallest of ways, and you’re collaborating to bring in greater sustainability which ever ones you choose.
If you’re unsure about how to build framework around the 4 goals, head over to our Instagram this week where we’ll be talking about applying each of the 17 goals both professionally and personally (it’s a bit much to do it here as there is so many of them!).
Once you have your 4 goals, your framework gets built every time you go back and assess whether those decisions you are making sit within one, or all, of those goals. It can also help with sourcing decisions and communicating your ethics with your customers, but we’ll talk more about that next time.
Having a viewpoint on sustainability and making it personable to you will drive up customer engagement so it’s worth doing. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we need to take care of each other and our home. Let’s not forget those lessons.
Link to the UN development goals: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/
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